Explore the incredible health benefits of combining CBD and fish oil for your dog. From pain relief and enhanced mental well-being to a fortified immune system, discover how this dynamic duo can supercharge your pet’s overall health. Ideal for senior dogs, nervous pups, and active canines alike.
Endocannabinoid System: The Science Behind Why CBD Works for Dogs Just Like Humans
Delve into the workings of the endocannabinoid system to understand why CBD has comparable effects on dogs and humans. From key functions to the role of cannabinoid receptors, this article offers scientific insights into the benefits of CBD for canine well-being.
French Bulldog Takes The Crown
A Historic Moment as Labrador Retriever’s 31-Year Run Ends French Bulldog Reigns Supreme in AKC’s 2022 Rankings The American Kennel Club (AKC) has announced the French Bulldog as the most popular dog breed of 2022, ending the Labrador Retriever’s 31-year reign. The top five breeds include the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd Dog, and Poodle. The newly recognized Mudi and Russian Toy debuted at No. 150 and No. 144, while the least popular breeds are the Sloughi, Norwegian Lundehund, and English Foxhound. The AKC recognizes 200 breeds and maintains strict standards for the welfare, safety, and health of dogs … Read More
Beyond Potty Breaks: The True Significance of Walking for Dogs
Don’t underestimate the power of a walk! Learn why walking is essential for dogs, and how it helps them learn, grow and thrive.
Why Spay and Neuter Stipulations Matter in Breeder Contracts
When looking for a new furry friend, don’t overlook the importance of spay/neuter stipulations in breeder contracts. Responsible breeding practices help control pet overpopulation and ensure the health and welfare of our canine companions